Unifi is connecting the disconnected through groundbreaking projects.

technology Technology From proven to the experimental, we’re deploying the best technology to get the most people online. partnerships Partnerships From governments, to charities, to tech companies, Unifi collaborates to design and implement projects. metrics Metrics Reporting, monitoring, sustainability, and maintenance. No project is a success unless we’ve proven it.
Humanitarian Assistance

Connect Kenya

Activated After 2,000 Larks Sold

Unifi and its partners will launch the first connectivity project in Dadaab, Kenya, the world’s largest refugee camp.

who Who Dadaab, located in Kenya, is the world’s largest United Nations operated refugee camp. problem Problem 80,000 kids share just 2 libraries. It’s tough to learn new things with so few resources. what we're doing What we're doing Two Yazmi satellites and and bevy of satellite tablets which include a lifetime supply of free data service will help 400 students learn.

Unifi has collaborated with Yazmi, the owner of two broadcast data satellites that reach 5 billion people, and creator of the world’s first satellite enabled tablet computer, to create a project that can make a difference. Together we are putting the tablet into the hands of 400 students in Dadaab, providing them with educational content transmitted by satellite for the lifetime of the tablet.

These technologies are brand new and our goal is to learn as much as possible about the possibilities that can be unlocked through satellite enabled tablets. This is just beginning; the possibilities are enormous.


Give a Lark

Activated Upon Give a Lark Purchase

There are 10 million low-income homes in America without a computer. Helping at home matters - for the price of a Lark ($110) Unifi will provide a family with the tools they need to get connected.

who Who Low income families and children in rural Minnesota. problem Problem 10 million low-income homes in the U.S. are without a computer. Access to a computer can help families find jobs, learn new skills, and access vital information to get things done. What we're gonna do What We're Going to Do' For the price of a Lark ($110), Unifi will give a low-income family a computer, monitor, mouse, keyboard, modem, and 3 months of Internet access.

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